Thursday, September 9, 2010

Helping children cope with challenges by reading books

The concept of helping children cope with challenges using books is very well known and being used by many parents. There is even a professional term for it: Bibliotherapy.
Almost every family that expects its second child, buys at least one book for the older sibling. Those books usually deal with the subject from several angles, telling different stories, but they all share the same target: preparing the older child in the family to the arrival of the new baby.
Other common issues that are popular in books of that nature are:
  • Moving to a new neighborhood
  • Starting new school/kindergarten/nursery
  • Potty training
  • Refusing to brush teeth/comb hair/take a bath and other hygienic issues
  • Refusing to eat healthy food and weight issues
  • Fears and anxieties such as: fear of darkness, dogs, ghosts and so on
  • Health issues such as the need to visit the dentist or to wear a new pair of glasses 
  • Separation and divorce
  • ... and more
This concept has proved itself. If you google the subject you get tons of relevant information.
I want to give this concept another notch.
What I am suggesting is that you write specific books addressing the challenges and problems of your own kids, using We have a huge amount of illustrations and backgrounds you can use. You can also upload your own stuff.
When you write the book for your kids or with them, you have full control of the content. You can make sure that it will provide the best solution for your children's needs.

I wrote a book about how to behave when going to the supermarket:
In addition, my daughter just started first grade so I wrote a book about preparing for first grade :

I haven't thought about it until now, but in both books the storytellers are the children themselves, and they describe their own experience - interesting!

So, I encourage you to write personal books for and with your kids.
Its easy, fun and FREE!

Tell a Tale
Dorit Rosen

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